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The South Will Rise Again Phrase

I was raised in the A.M.E. Church or the African Methodist Episcopalian Church. The proper name lonely implies togetherness even though the church was formed in strife every bit Africans were upset that Caucasians in the Methodist and Episcopalian churches refused to pray equally with African descendents. Then, in Philadelphia the Africans formed their own church which had a unproblematic mission of Christian liberation theology. For the oldest African-American church in the U.S., role of that liberation meant following Matrimony troops to the due south to open churches for newly freed slaves, as Confederate territory was taken over.

One tenet nosotros learned in the church building was the power of forgiveness. To forgive is non considered a weakness, simply rather a powerful tool. Forgiving some other person is taught every bit a self-liberating activeness that leaves the private with spiritual and emotional infinite to go on to better one's cocky. At that place is no room for detest in self improvement only dear. Forgiveness does not let the perpetrators of hate off of the hook. It just means they lonely are now wedded to their actions - not the forgiver. And ane other matter, the forgiver forgives, but forgetting is another matter all together.

After the Ceremonious War concluded some wealthy and rather pissed southerners formed a movement known as the Redeemers and their motto was "The South Shall Rise Once again." They meant it would ascension for Caucasians. Well the south will never rise over again as the Redeemers envisioned

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Simply I believe the South volition rise again in a way that frees most Caucasians from intimidation by other Caucasians who are racist, ignorant and love to flash the rebel flag on any and everything, including taxpayer supported buildings. Everyone knows there are Caucasian Americans who want to speak up against the insubordinate flag, but do not out of fear of being ostracized past other Caucasians. They can't get a break. African-Americans look at them and wonder why don't you speak upward and join us, just their peers say, "Stay with usa." "Understand usa." "We are having a cookout and you lot're invited, just bring your rebel flag." or "I know of a bar nosotros tin can go to that has the flag on the wall."

That is a hell of a tight spot to be in. I tin can merely see almost Caucasians merely waiting to breathe, but their true emotions are being held hostage past a pocket-sized, strident group which is clutching onto a flag that represents rebellion against the higher ideals of this nation.
That same intimidation existed during the Ceremonious Rights Movement. Only many over-came and stood up for what was patently a correct and just cause.

The south will rise again to lead America along the path to improved race relations. If simply Nixon could go to Prc, then solutions for our race problems volition start - in the South, where basically they got started. And there volition be plenty of Caucasians who will again join a skillful cause and accept part in equal leadership.

Reasonable people know that nosotros are all in this race quagmire together and togetherness is how we will get ourselves out. There will exist no fantasies of a "white" Northwest bordering west at Idaho, Utah and Arizona. Ain't gonna happen. There will not be a "New Africa" for "blacks with Atlanta as the capital. Just own't gonna happen. Give it up.

What nosotros volition have is what nosotros already are. We are a people of many different cultures who decide to try to get along and live together for the sake of a greater crusade, namely united states. There are many more than of u.s.a. than the knuckle-heads, both African-American and Caucasian, who adopt to embrace divisive symbols and practices. Just think that we out number them.

For the sake of unity I prefer to practise forgiving as I was taught in the A.M.E. church. It is the aforementioned forgiveness displayed by the relatives of the victims killed in Female parent Emanuel A.M.E. church building. In lodge to forgive yous have to release the hate and move on to college ground. In no way volition honest history exist forgotten though. That, but ain't gonna happen.
